Invitation Wording

bar/bat mitzvah

Not sure where to start when writing the copy for your Bar/Bat Mitzvah invitations? We have some samples below for some inspiration. Of course, we’re always happy to answer any questions you have or to give advice.


Traditions of the past
to share with the future
we celebrate today
Please join us as
Jack Samuel
becomes a Bar Mitzvah
on Saturday, the tenth of March
two thousand eighteen
at ten o’clock in the morning
Temple Beth
Toronto, Ontario


Mr. and Mrs. Alan Green 
invite you to share 
a proud and special moment 
as we celebrate with joy 
the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter 
Megan Ray 
on Saturday, the twenty-second of December 
two thousand eighteen 
at ten-thirty in the morning 
West Town Synagogue 
Thornhill, Ontario
Luncheon to follow


Mr. and Mrs. Eric Simmons 
would be pleased to have you 
join them when their daughter 
Samantha Elizabeth 
is called to the Torah as a 
Bat Mitzvah 
on Sunday, the third of June 
two thousand eighteen 
at ten-thirty in the morning 
Congregation Beth Torah 
75667 North Haven Drive 
Vaughan, Ontario


Your presence will be very special to us
at the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter 

Kendra Lynn 
on Saturday, the seventh of July 
two thousand eighteen 
at a quarter past nine in the morning 
Temple Beth 
112 Greenville Avenue 
Toronto, Ontario 
Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wallster


With gratitude to Hashem 
we are honored to invite you to join us as our precious son 
Timothy Yehosa 
is called to the Torah on 
Tzom Gedalia 
the fourth day of Tishre 5765 
Sunday, September 15, 2018 
7:00 p.m. 
Young Israel of Palm Beach 
5266 Palm Drive South 
Palm Beach, FL 
Reception to follow services 
Betsy and Harold Steinburn 


It would give us great pleasure
to have you join us
in worship when our daughter 

Sandra Tiffany 
will be called to the Torah 
as a Bat Mitzvah 
on May 10, 2018 
at 6:00 p.m. 
Temple Beth 
45 Carrington Park Drive 
Toronto, Ontario 
Craig and Amy


We invite you to share 
a special day in our lives 
when our son, Travis Taylor 
will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah 
on Decebmer 2, 2018 
at 10:00 a.m. 
Israel Temple 
45 Maine Street 
Thornhill, Ontario 
Karen and Seth


Our world reflects
a rich tradition of yesterday
and the bright promise of tomorrow
as our daughter is called
to read from the Torah
We welcome you to share our joy
at Sara’s Bat Mitzvah
on July 18, 2018
at 2:00 p.m.
Temple Beth
8942 Reflections Place
Newmarket, Ontario
Brad and Kim


With love, joy and pride 
we invite you to share 
a special day with us 
when our son 
becomes a Bar Mitzvah 
Saturday, the fifth of May 
two thousand eighteen 
eight o’clock in the morning 
Temple Shalom 
New Rochelle, New York 
Alan and Sophie Rosenbaum


Share with us a special day
of ceremony and celebration 

at the Bat Mitzvah of our daughter 
Saturday, the eighth of September 
two thousand eighteen 
at eight-thirty in the morning 
Temple Shalom of Naples 
Naples, Florida 
Jeffrey and Sandy Blomberg


Please join us 
in honor of our son 
Johnathon Michael 
as he is called to the Torah 
to become a Bar Mitzvah 
Saturday, March 24, 2018 
9 o’clock in the morning 
Adath Shalom Congregation 
Toronto, Ontario 
Phillip and Jennifer Roth


We cordially invite you 
to take part in a very special day in our lives when our son 
Kevin Benjamin 
is called to the Torah as a Bar Mitzvah 
Saturday, the first of September 
two thousand eighteen 
at half past nine in the morning 
Temple Beth Israel 
Vaughan, Ontario 
Gregory and Stephanie Katz 
Kiddush immediately following services

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