Envelope Addressing
Addressing your envelopes is important, not only to ensure your invitation gets into the hands of your guests in a timely manner, but also to let them know in a clear way who is invited to your wedding. Follow the below guidelines to help gather and submit your addresses properly.
You will be required to submit a spreadsheet with your addresses if you’d like them printed on your envelopes. You can download this template:
Canada Post’s guide to proper addressing
Each column in the spreadsheet correlates with a line in the address (spreadsheet can be downloaded above). Please note, in many cases the name may take up more than 1 line, in which case everything else is shifted down (or over a column in the spreadsheet).
Follow this format for invitations being mailed within Canada.
Follow this format for invitations being mailed to the US
Follow this format for invitations being mailed internationally
Addressing Etiquette
Below are some of the most common addressing variations following traditional invitation etiquette. For a more modern or casual tone, you may make some alterations such as dropping the formal titles (Mr/Mrs, etc) or putting both names on the same line (married couples with different names or unmarried couples).
If you have any questions about a specific scenario, feel free to reach out for advice: krystal@impressionsdesign.ca
For a married couple using the same last name:
Put the names on one line, acknowledging both first names.
Mr. and Mrs. Peter and Amy Chan
For a married couple using different names:
Put the names on two separate lines, alphabetically.
Mrs. Jane Doe
Mr. John Smith
For an unmarried couple living in the same household:
Put the names on two separate lines.
Mr. Jason Diaz
Ms. Ella Jones
For a family living in the same household, with children under 18:
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Lily Woods and children (or “and family”)
Write the children’s names out in order of birth.
Mr. and Mrs. Todd and Lily Woods
Miss Danielle Woods, Mr. Ryder Woods
If inviting the entire family, or if it is a large family where the names would not fit on the envelope, write:
The Woods Family
For a family living in the same household, with children over 18:
Give the parents and each child over 18 their own invitations and address them individually.
Send one invitation addressing the whole family.
For a family living in the same household, with some children under 18 and some over 18:
Give the parents and the children under 18 a separate invitation from the children over 18.
Mr. and Mrs. Derek and Aliya Mohan
Miss Aisha Mohan
And a separate invitation for
Mr. Ian Mohan
One invitation for the whole family.
For someone who may bring a guest of their choosing
Mr. Jason Diaz and guest