RSVP Wording

Not sure where to start when writing the copy for your RSVP cards? We have some samples below for some inspiration. Of course, we’re always happy to answer any questions you have or to give advice.

RSVP Overview

There are generally 5 parts to an RSVP card:

  1. Heading/Reply by date
  2. Names of your guests
  3. Accept or Decline
  4. Number of guests attending
  5. Entree selection or dietary restrictions

Below we will give sample wording ideas for each section. Some samples are traditional and formal, while others are more fun and casual, with a bit of personality infused into them.

Heading & Reply-By Date

There’s a handful of ways to word your call to action asking guests to RSVP by a certain date:


The Favor of Your Reply is Requested by May First
Please Reply By 05.01.2104
Kindly Reply by May First
Reply by 05.01.2014
Kindly Let Us Know By 05.01.2014
RSVP By 05/01/2014
Please Respond By May First
RSVP by May 1st or forever hold you peace
RSVP by May 1st or will use at least 4 forms of communication to hassle you

Names of Your Guests

Traditionally, you would put an “M” with a line. The “M” is for “Mr., Mrs. or Miss” and then the guest would fill out the rest:




If you are concerned some of your guests may not know what “M” means or would prefer to take a more modern approach, try this:


Accept or Decline

Traditional options for this section are as follows:

___Accepts with pleasure
___Declines with regret

___Delighted to Attend
___Regretfully Cannot Join You

___Joyfully accepts
___Regretfully declines

Here is where people have the opportunity to really have some fun. There are endless possibilities for this section, here are some of our favourites:

___Can’t Wait!
___Sorry, Wish I Could Be There

___We Will See You There!
___Sorry To Miss Out

___Yes, the party don’t start ’til I walk in!
___You’re Going to Have to Carry On Without Me

___Bags Packed, Ready to Go!
___Hate to Say Can’t Make It

___Ready to eat, drink and see you get married!
___Will toast to you from afar

___Excited to Celebrate with You!
___Sad to Miss All Fun

___Wouldn’t Miss It For the World
Will Celebrate from Afar


___Let’s Get Rowdy!
___Show Must Go On Without Me

___Free booze? Yes, please
___In a nutshell…I’m lame

___Only if you’ll be playing “Forever” by Chris Brown
___Not even “Call Me Maybe” will entice me

___Yes, let’s live it up!
___No, I’ll forever regret this decision

___Don’t despair, I’ll be there!
___Sad to say I’ll miss the day

___Heck yes!
___No, but I have a good excuse

Entrée Selection

If you are offering an entrée choice for your guests, you may ask them the following:

Please initial beside you entrée choice
___Beef       ___Chicken       ___Vegetarian

Please indicate your entrée selection(s)
___Beef       ___Salmon       ___Vegetarian

If you’re not offering an entrée choice, you should simply ask for dietary restrictions so that you will be made aware of any special diets or allergies:

Dietary restrictions______________________________________

Other Information

Some people want to make it clear that children or dates are not invited, in which case we recommend starting your RSVP card with:

We have reserved _____ seats in your honour

Some people want their guests to give them song requests for their dance:

Song request ___________________________________________

This song will get me on the dance floor _______________________________________________

What song will keep you dancing? _______________________________________________

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